$97.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Refund terms and conditions:

1: I understand that no refund is available for this offer as Locksmithing Secrets incurs time and expenses for hosting the website and purchasing the domain.

2: Locksmithing Secrets will host the website and domain on their servers, which cannot be transferred to any other server.

3: I am free to cancel the subscription at any time from the member's area or by contacting support in which case I will lose access to the training and my website will be taken offline or rented to another locksmith.




Locksmith Launch

Create your account now and receive all the FREE bonus gifts immediately. 

  • Custom-Branded WordPress Locksmith Website 
  • 5 x Custom Logo Options
  • The Locksmith Call Closers
  • Customer Avalanche 
  • The 3 Keys To Freedom Book + Audio Version
  • The Locksmith Lab
  • The Locksmith Mentor Domestic Course
  • The VAULT
  • Locksmithing Secrets Automotive Blueprint Program




FREE + ($97/m Hosting & Domain Costs)